Saturday 23 January 2010

Goal Setting: Don't Try This at Home

I'm wondering if there's any value in setting goals for the new year (and then attempting to achieve them, and then getting depressed when I don't achieve them). Probably not. I'm not a goal orientated kind of person. I'm fluffy. I'm a drifter. A wanderer...I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted...dead or alive...(my apologies to Bon Jovi).

Don't get me wrong, I'm getting stuff done, stuff which I set out to get done. Hmmm, sounds a little like GOAL SETTING to me, just not on a grandiose scale. For example, every Monday I go to the supermarket with an ACTUAL list (ie written on a small piece of paper - my supermarket needs are not many) of items to purchase. 9.5 out of 10 times I will exit the supermarket having purchased ALL items on this list. Afterwards I feel very proud of my grocery buying accomplishments, and there's the added bonus that I have food to eat for the rest of the week. Hallelujah!

Still, the whole supermarket goal thing isn't doing much for my ego. Maybe I should try aiming a little higher, a little louder...I domination! Hmmm, I'm sensing a little deja vu. Yes, last year I started making maniacal plans for world domination (actually world destruction*, which is a kind of domination) but I seem to have let them slip. I haven't worked on my plans since last March. The world remains undominated by moi. Bummer. Now I'm depressed. I set a goal for myself which I didn't achieve. See, goal setting is bad for your health (at least grandiose goal setting). My advice for anyone considering goal setting: AIM LOW.

Maybe I should consider partial world domination, just the southern hemisphere...

*I think it's pertinent to note that there seem to be many others effecting world destruction, even without my maniacal plans

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