Wednesday 2 December 2009

Too Old, Too Ugly, Too Boring...

...for anything. I was going to say "for love" but then I thought "why limit this self-pitying negativity to only one aspect of existence when there are so many aspects to which such a substantive maxim can be applied": go and check the letterbox go to the supermarket answer the telephone go to the cinema get dressed go to work have fun write a blog entry...then why am I writing a blog entry?...actually, the "too old, too ugly, too boring" mania had possession of my being yesterday and so I was unable to successfully complete (or indeed start) a blog entry. But my morbid, pessimistic depression (as opposed to my jolly, optimistic depression) seemed such a fascinating topic that I decided to write about it today - now that I'm feeling quite chipper...well, not too bad.

I think I've narrowed down the causes of my self-absorbed misery - other than being human. My period came early (the beginning of pre-menopausal madness (??) a little sooner than expected, but why the hell not!) which didn't allow my psyche its usual "lead in" pre-menstrual crankiness (which makes way for during-menstrual crankiness). So I think, on Tuesday, I had double menstrual crankiness. Plus, on Monday, I had quite a bit of sugar (I even had a bit of a sugar high head-buzy-ness on Monday night), which probably resulted in a proportional "low" on Tuesday. Yep, it's difficult being a sugar-loving, possibly pre-menopausal, menstruating woman (try saying that quickly 10 times without biting your tongue).

[I think I might have overused the prefix "pre" in the previous paragraph.]

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