Monday 7 December 2009

Blood Sucking FIENDS...

...MUST DIE!!!

Obviously I'm referring to those soulless creatures from hell...fleas! The bane of those who share their homes with a fury animal (I'm guessing those who keep only fish as pets don't have flea infestations, although fish-tank algae might be issue - but at least the algae don't jump from the tank onto humans and bite sensitive human flesh, as far as I know).

Flea season has come early this year, and with lethal force (climate change? - too much hot and humid weather in November). I have to de-flea my kitty manually with a flea-comb because she has an allergic reaction to flea-collars. And, given her allergic reaction to flea-collars, I'm not willing to risk putting other flea-killing chemicals onto her skin. I'm keeping on top of the flea infestation but I have to run the flea-comb through her fur at least twice a day (those suckers breed like...rabbits? Fleas?), which is kind of a pain. So, I'm wondering about other tactics; maybe the things that kill those other pesky blood sucking fiends - vampires - would work on fleas; direct sunlight, holy water, stake through the heart (or whatever passes for a heart on a flea)? I wonder where I might find a 0.5mm wooden stake?

Yep, those bastards better watch out: into each generation is born, a chosen one, one with the strength and skill to hunt and kill the forces of darkness, she is: "The Flea Slayer".

Flea trivia: Fleas can jump 200 times the length of their bodies.

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