Friday 27 February 2009

Words as Daggers

During the week I had a verbal exchange with a work colleague. Here is what was said:

Work colleague (referring to the busyness of work): "I'm getting too old for this."
Nicole: "You're getting too old for a lot of things."
Bullseye! It was a low punch, but allowed. It was a technical knockout - he was standing, but he was out. And the comment was made when he had his back to me - making for extra, Brutus-like, deviousness.

But now there will be retribution. Vengeance is his. And it will be delivered cold. It might be weeks, even months. I won't see it coming. But it will come. I'll have to keep my guard up at all times, but I know this is impossible. All it takes is a moment of distraction. Then the fatal strike. There will be no mercy. I will be toast.

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