An amino acid I’m quite fond of is tryptophan. Some of the foods it is found in are milk, eggs, peanuts, bananas and chocolate - which are all things I like to eat. Among its many biochemical actions in the body is its role in promoting sleep (mainly via melatonin) – which is an ‘activity’ I enjoy. It is a chemical precursor for my favourite neurotransmitter, serotonin. Another reason I’m fond of tryptophan is that its side chain group contains indole; I worked with an indole-derived moiety for my honours project, so there is some nostalgia associated with it…(this last sentence may not make sense to anyone who hasn’t studied Organic Chemistry…I make no apologies…a thorough and well-rounded education should include a course in Organic Chemistry, and watching all episodes of Buffy at least 3 times). And finally, I think tryptophan is best appreciated by studying its chemical structure:

And isn’t that indole group beautiful.
web link for chemical structure
That really is a very bheautiful indole group!
Did I say Happy Birthday to you, Effie dear? So sorry I failed to make it beautiful for you, at least more beautiful than a visit to the hospital.
Wish your mum all the best from me and I hope she gets well soon.
Dearest Yacks,
I accept all birthday wishes, no matter when they're delivered.
Birthday's seem to be arriving with increasing frequency these days...I would be happy to skip a few if it meant I didn't get any older.
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