Friday 19 December 2008

6 Weekly Rental Movies...

...for $10. Bargain! That's $1.66666666 etc per film. I love my local Video Ezy. But not just for its excellent deals, it also has a very good selection of films. I've even noticed a few films on the shelves which screened at recent Melbourne film festivals but which didn't get a local cinema release. The list of films I want to see is usually pretty long and I tend to prefer independent non-Hollywood films, which don't screen at very many cinemas or for very long. So I don't always get to see them when they're showing. In fact, most films I want to see are screened at Cinema Nova in Carlton, which is not near where I live. I have considered moving to this part of town just to be closer to the cinema - but then I would be further away from where I work (or did work, but I may go back to work there soon).

Cinema Nova is great, though. It has different sized cinemas to allow for the varying attendance of the films - including really small cinemas. A few months ago I was there to see a very arthouse film from Sweden called "You, the living" (which was excellent - but not for everyone) and I think I was in the smallest of the cinemas. There were just 5 of us watching; it was quite cozy.

But getting back to Video Ezy, which is also cozy; and the young people who attend the store are lovely - they're always patient with me when I ask them obscure questions. I was there yesterday and I did the 6 movies for $10 deal, which will take me through to Christmas. Here are the films I hired (and I've listed them in the order I've chosen to view them, using principles of Feng Shui, to maximise the overall impact of the films):

An Inconvenient Truth. I'm a bit behind the eight-ball (or melting glacier) in watching this documentary. I watched it last night and during the credits it said that I should tell people I know to watch it. So WATCH IT. Global warming is not a myth. And I think "Climate Change" is too tame, we should be calling it "Climate Chaos". But I guess the problem will be solved when temperatures and CO2 levels reach critical levels and there is a mass extinction of life on earth (including humans).


Sherry Baby. Featuring the luminous Maggie Gyllenhaal - who I love in a not-quite-lesbian way.

Walking on Water. Featuring the luminous Vince Colosimo - who I love in a completely heterosexual way.

Bubble. Apparently this is "another Steven Soderbergh experience", or so it says on the cover.



Anonymous said...

Hello Nicolio,
This is written proof that I have read/am reading your blog. I also quite like the video library - don't get there as often as I would like to, and I suspect my taste in movies is quite different to yours but maybe there could be some similarities (Twilight Zone?), but most likely very different to what I have been watching lately(Madasgar, Kung Fu Panda, Bob the builder...). Keep enjoying your movies! Antonio :-)

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

Dear Antonio,

I am pleased that you are complying with my order for you to read my blog. Keep up the good work.

"Kung Fu Panda" sounds wild - I might have to watch it.
