Monday 27 September 2010

The Face in the Mushroom Cloud

This picture was taken during the first full scale testing of a hydrogen bomb. The bomb was codenamed "Ivy Mike" - I think "Humanity is Fucked" would've been a more apt title. The testing took place in 1952 on the small Pacific Island, Elugelab, part of the Enewetak Atoll. The bomb yielded approximately 10 megatons of nuclear energy and destroyed Elugelab. A 1.9 km wide by 50 m deep crater is all that was left.

It's a breathtaking photograph. The swirling cloud formation created by the explosion is beautiful and eerie and terrifying. Emerging from the wispy, radioactive cloud, is a human-ish looking face. The face is in profile, looking to its left. Its mouth is held in a tight, painful grimace, and its brain appears swollen, as though it is infected. The eyes are masked: Is the creature too frightened to look at what it has created or has it strategically covered its eyes so as not to give away its true purpose? Whatever the case, the eyes, the "windows to the soul", cannot be seen, and, therefore, neither can its soul. However, there does appear to be, very faintly, a pair of eyes hovering just next to, or possibly just above, the creature. The eyes are located on either side of the creature's brain and appear to be looking directly at the camera, even as they seem to hide behind the creature - are these the eyes of the satanic puppet-master?


Efrat said...

Creepy, although the more I think about this creature the more it seems to be a giant broccoli, floating in the sky. So you see why I'm not that frightened.

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

Now I'm going to have nightmares about giant broccoli! Actually, I also thought there was some vegetable resemblance in the image - the "brain" part looks a bit like cauliflower, probably due to the white, but the texture is also like broccoli.

Efrat said...

If you need something adorable to help you overcome the pain and suffering of giant-vegetable- nightmares, I think this will help:
It's a really cool website in which they upload photos of baby animals from zoos all over the world. It is very nice.

By the way, I was wondering what do you think about Buffy's season 7. I've just finished watching it again and it's better than I remembered (and finally, Spuffy no more! I mean, I like the idea of a relationship between them, but, seriously, season 6 had a horrible way of showing us this. Too... much... nakedness... *dies of shock*)

Good night! (It's night there, isn't it? The time here is 17:03.)

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I didn't think anything would be able to soothe the horror of giant vegetables until I looked at Zooborns - thanks for that.

When I first watched season 7 it seemed to drag a bit in the middle but then fired up when Caleb was introduced and Faith came back. I also found it better on re-watching. Maybe, knowing it was the final season, we (the viewers) had extra high expectations.

Spuffy :) - I hadn't heard that before. James Marsters (Spike) said he got a little tired of wearing nothing but a sock during season 6.

Time difference - you must be 9 hours behind me. I've set the time/date on the comments for here (Melbourne, Australia)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that’s poetic