Thursday 1 July 2010

Radical Tax Plan

Here at Effulgent13, we (actually, I, but "we" sounds more impressive) aim to make this world a much better place, such that everyone has stuff they need and, even, stuff they want. I abhor greed (greed is NOT good, Gordon Fucking Gecko, greed is a big giant pain in the ass of humanity). A couple of weeks ago, I attacked greed in one of its most evil incarnations, that of Mining Bosses (aka "Greedy Fuckers" - see here). Well, this week, I'm extending that rant to all corporate bosses and other rich people. And, since I'm also a practical ranter, I'm proposing a new Tax Plan to deal with greed gone wild (I have a degree in Organic Chemistry, goddammit, I'm completely qualified to propose changes to the tax system). I'm hoping this Tax Plan will accomplish 2 main goals:

1) Redistribute wealth from the coffers of rich bastards into the coffers of poor bastards

2) Annoy the hell out of rich bastards

I think that once an individual accumulates personal wealth of a billion dollars, they should NOT be allowed to accumulate anymore. They should be cut off. And, if they continue to accumulate wealth (in whatever form: cash, assets, equity, dodgy businesses, larceny, vice, grand theft auto etc), they should be taxed at 100% for every dollar they earn above the one billion dollar mark. That money should then be given to the lowest income earners as a low income offset tax bonus. Obviously, and most importantly, this new tax will need a catchy title and acronym, which, thankfully, I've already thought of:

BIllionaires Tax: Equality for Misplaced Equity ( or BITE ME).

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