Tuesday 8 June 2010

A Billion Dollars is Barely Enough!!!

I'm thinking of writing an open letter to Australian Mining Bosses. (Not really). But if I did, below are 2 versions of my letter:

Long Version:

Dear Mining Bosses,

So, when you made your first BILLION dollars, did
you not think: "Wow, that's alot of money. Surely that's enough money to - feed/clothe/house/educate/entertain/bribe etc - me and my family and my extended family and all my friends and their families and their extended families etc..." (I think you get my point). Apparently, it would seem, you did not think these thoughts. Apparently, having enough money to live VERY comfortably, and then some, was/is not enough. So why is it not enough. Maybe there's competition between you: "his equity is bigger than my equity, I feel so inadequate". Or is there a philosophical issue? Is this about happiness? Do you equate happiness with wealth? If so, surely you'd be incredibly happy by now? So why are you not happy? Is the black hole of your unhappiness an eternal, unfillable quarry (pun intended) that will never be sated by any amount of material wealth? Whatever the problem, get over it. Read some philosophy, go out and talk to people - real people (not other rich people) - go for a walkabout in the desert (but be careful not to fall into an open cut mine and injure yourselves), pull your heads out of your - not insubstantial - bottoms. Get some perspective. I've heard it said that giving to others can bring fulfilment - do that.

Love, Nicole

Short Version:

Dear Greedy Fuckers,

Give the rest of us some money, you selfish,
arrogant poop-heads.

Bite me, Nicole


Anonymous said...

Oh, that really made me laugh.
Damn capitalists.

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I can only hope that Mining bosses (and other capitalists) read this blog entry and, upon realising how empty and miserable their lives are, feel compelled to change their evil ways.

Anonymous said...


(Holy ship, you're a socialist (or are you?) and you watch Buffy. *high five*)

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I'm definitely left-leaning but I'm not sure how far. It's only been in the last few years that I've started paying attention to politics. I've been trying to narrow down an ideology to commit to but there are so many, and I'll find I agree with only some aspects of a particular ideology (including Socialism, which seems to have a number of different intereptations, at least according to Wikipedia). But I don't like Capitialism, and I'd like to see a more equal distribution of wealth. And I think Buffy would agree with me.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. (Deja vu?)

I'm not that interested in politics, but living in Israel (side note: that's my excuse for my lousy English) I sometimes feel like I have to explain others that it's not all so obvious.

For example, there are some people with whom I learn school and they're just... I don't even know what they think about this, but they express such hatred against Arabs and homosexuals and, well, practically, strangers or people who have different lifestyle. They actually think that people who are different from them do not deserve equal rights.
Argh, nevermind that.

(About Buffy - maybe she'll agree, but she's still not my favorite character there. I prefer Oz. [Oh, and that remark about her gets a "LOL".])

(I'm sorry I talk so much.)


Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I used to have a friend who was intolerant and narrow minded about people different from him. I tried for years to get him to be open minded and accepting but he refused - he seemed to enjoy being racist, homophobic etc. So now I don't talk to him.

Actually, my favourite character on Buffy is Willow.

Anonymous said...

I like Willow, she's my favorite of the scoobies, but aside from her I think Oz is pretty awesome. I actually prefer vamp-Willow to Willow. Well, nerd Willow is cool either, but vamp Willow is quite amusing. Also, regular Willow as vamp Willow is funny.

(And Giles. Oh, Giles. So british and... well, british. Spike resides at Giles' house is fun.)

But THE most awesome character is River (Yes. Firefly is very different, I know that. The point still stands).

(Do you watch Doctor Who?)

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I like all versions of Willow, but I agree she was especially cool as vamp-Willow ("bored now"), and as nerd-Willow pretending to be vamp-Willow.

Yep, also love River from Firefly. I haven't seen any of Joss Whedon's most recent show "Dollhouse" (which has now been cancelled) but I'll probably get it when it comes out on dvd.

Also watch Dr Who. I'm not quite as obsessive about the Dr, I'm happy to watch it on the TV but I haven't bought any of the dvds - although I have borrowed the dvds from an obsessed friend and enjoyed rewatching episodes.