Monday 8 March 2010

You Can Shove Your Shit Into My Rubbish Bin But You Can't TAKE My Rubbish Bin!

(Warning: blog post is overly petty - there are bigger things going on in the world than my rubbish bin issues.)

As it turns out, there are some things you CANNOT shove into my rubbish bin - eg human body parts, explosives, vacuum cleaner parts. You could, of course, physically, shove these things into my rubbish bin but I would be very very unhappy about it. I would be forced to protest. And, in fact, I have, in a non-verbal kind of way. (It's ok, I haven't found body parts or explosives in my bin...yet).

Let me explain. Our bins are numbered with our flat numbers on them. Duh. A seemingly easy system to follow. Some residents create more rubbish than others. I don't create very much rubbish and, mostly, I'm ok with the others putting their excess rubbish into my bin (although, for the record, no-one has ever asked me if it's ok to use my bin). But today, when I went out to collect my bin from the road (today is bin-day), a series of things put my otherwise calm and generous demeanour into crankiness:
  • Someone had put out my recycle bin despite it not being recycle collection week (recycle is collected fortnightly). So I had to bring the bin back in. Ok. A fair enough mistake.
  • The recycle bin, which had been barely a quarter full yesterday, is now nearly full. Shit. It's hard to move when it's this full.
  • So now I've moved my recycle bin back into its spot next to my ordinary rubbish bin. Except the ordinary bin isn't there. Hmmm. Looking. Aha. It is with flat #3's bins - this is NOT where it belongs! So I go over and start moving it back. Then I realise it has stuff in it. I open the lid to find the bin half full with mostly recyclable stuff AND vacuum cleaner parts. Vacuum cleaner parts are for the hard rubbish collection (and this is not the first time hard rubbish items have been put into my bin). I'm concerned that the garbage collectors might get cranky with my bin and refuse to collect it. At this point I have the option of knocking on the door of flat #3 and sorting this out. Um...let me also point out that it's raining and windy and cold. I can sense my capacity for neighbourly verbal negotiation abandoning me...yep...there it goes...
  • I dump the contents of the bin on the ground next to the other bins of flat #3
  • I vigorously move my bin back to its rightful position, accidentally banging it into a rock
  • I go into my flat feeling justified
  • Sometime later (ie now) I ponder my actions and feel mild regret...
  • ...very very mild

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