If I didn’t have my glasses I would not be blind. I could get around, but I’d have to be very careful – I’d prefer not to have to do it. However, when I’m at home I don’t always wear my glasses, especially in the morning, before I need to see properly. The world looks quite different and interesting through blurry eyes. Objects take on new shapes and dimensions, sometimes blending into each other. My depth perception is a little off-kilter. I especially love to look at the trees outside my windows; the leaves are a haze of floating green, disconnected. My cat looks more furry. If I look at myself in the mirror my skin appears smoother. It’s always fun to see a brown mark on the wall because when I get my face nice and close to inspect it, it invariably turns out to be a spider. A giant, hairy spider*.
I have a question/dilemma I pose to myself occasionally (I have a lot of free time, and, being a weird loner – and possibly insane – but cute and cuddly insane - I often find myself in conversation with myself). If I had to chose between being blind or deaf, what would I chose? In the end I always chose deafness, but it’s a hard choice. I love sound – music, human voices, animal voices, wind, rain, strange creaking in the middle of the night – I get so much enjoyment from sound. But I think it would be harder to function day-to-day in this world without vision.
*Goliath bird eating spider:


The one that got away:

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