Monday 10 November 2008

Favourite Lists

Some of the blogs I've visited have included lists of the blog writer's favourite movies and books. I'm always interested in other people's favourites and wonder what it is about the film or book or TV show that speaks to them, or about them. Of course, it could be argued that people sometimes read a book or watch a film to escape from their lives and themselves - perhaps books or films that seem obvious or shallow or easy. But what is it they're escaping to and why. If a person lists something as being a favourite, above other obvious and shallow things (and assuming they've had a proper think about it), then there is probably something in it; maybe something that isn't obvious or easy, something buried deep in their psyche (this is my current new favourite word; another new favourite word I've had was 'baffled' - of course none of them will ever come close to 'effulgent').

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