Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Spanish...I am going to (attempt to) learn least some of you...


With the aid of Google Translate, Spanish for Dummies, a Spanish-English diccionario and Spanish language shows/films (with and without subtitulos), I am attempting to learn me some Español. Fantástico!

Why (por qué)? Because (porque):
(1) I like Spanish
(2) I've been disappointed for many, muchos, years that my high school Spanish class was prematurely discontinued
(3) I believe that I've reached a reasonably proficient level of English (though, I'm sure many would disagree) such that it might be time to take on the challenge of a different language
(4) I feel that having knowledge of another language has some kind of 'humanity' value (though, I'm not entirely sure what I mean)

I have started my language learning by trolling for Spanish words (and their meanings) through Google Translate/Spanish for Dummies/Spanish dictionary, then trying to say the words out loud, then trying to pick out these words (and others previously not encountered) from Spanish language shows. I suspect this is not the traditional way to learn a language (as an adult) but I'm having fun.

I'm not very good, however, at joining the words together so as to form coherent sentences (I sometimes have the same problem with English). My deficiencies include, but are not limited to:
(1) sorting out the variants/gender/uses of Spanish words and, specifically, of 'the'
(2) changing the endings of words to give them the correct tense
(3) where/when to use 'accent marks' (known as 'diacritical marks', eg ñ)
- all of which creates havoc in my English-only brain.

Some of my favourite Spanish words, so far, are:

bruja(witch)/cuchillo(knife)/diablo(devil)/Feliz Navidad(Merry Christmas)/fuego(fire)/gato(cat)/gracioso(funny)/idiota(stupid)/llave(key)/infierno(hell)/loco(crazy)/luna(moon)/milagro(miracle)/muerte(death)/mujer(woman)/nieve(snow)/pesadilla(nightmare)/siento(I feel)/siesta(nap)/sombra(shadow)/suerte(luck)/tengo(I have)/tormenta(storm)/tranquilo(calm)/triste(sad)

(words have been arranged alphabetically and without explanation - though there is an evident psychological profile of my brain (cerebro) on display here)

So, obviously, the thing do to now is to use all of the above words in a sentence paragraph; firstly in English, then in Spanish. No problema (sarcasmo).

English (Inglés):
I awake abruptly from my nap; a funny nightmare has shaken me from my calm sleep. By the light of the moon, I can see my cat, Luck, going crazy. I feel cold, so I light a fire, this creates sad shadows on the wall. I have an overwhelming sensation that a storm is approaching. I look through the window and see snow. I also see a woman standing in the snow; she is holding a knife and a key. I go outside and walk towards the woman. As I get closer, I realize that she is a witch. She wishes me a Merry Christmas, but, shockingly, her "Merry Christmas" is actually a fatal curse from hell and I immediately experience death. Frustratingly, a stupid miracle happens and I am reincarnated as the Devil!

Spanish (Español):
(mostly from Google Translate/ I changed some things to make it present tense and closer to the original text/don't know if this is allowed/apologies to all Spanish speakers for my ineptitude and possible offence)
Yo despierto abruptamente de mi siesta; una pesadilla graciosa me ha sacudido de mi sueño tranquilo. Por la luz de la luna, puedo ver mi gato, Suerte, volviéndose loco. Me siento frío, así que enciendo un fuego, esto crea sombras tristes en la pared. Tengo una abrumadora sensación de que se acercándose una tormenta. Miro mediante la ventana y veo nieve. También veo a una mujer parada en la nieve; ella está sosteniendo un cuchillo y una llave. Voy afuera y caminar hacia la mujer. Como yo meterse más cerca, me doy cuenta de que ella es una bruja. Ella me desea una Feliz Navidad, pero, de manera chocante, su "Feliz Navidad" es en realidad una maldición fatal desde infierno y yo inmediatamente experiencia muerte. Frustrantemente, un milagro idiota sucede y yo soy reencarnado como el ¡Diablo!



kolibet said...

No hemos sabido nada de tí por un rato
(google proposes : "no hemos sabido nada de tí por un tiempo" - pretty much the same... - meaning : "we haven't heard from you for a while")
i too am trying to learn some spanish (in addition to english... and some japanese - have you ever tried japanese ? - it's fun ! (but very difficult...) - i like to learn different languages - in the past, i also tried some german, russian, italian and greek - but i usually stop after a few lessons, and remain unable to correctly write, or talk - except in french ! (being french, this one is quite easy for me) - i'd like to know more spanish, though, as my mother has spanish ancestors...)
did you make significant progress in spanish, in the last two months ?
A mi me gusta el idioma español (even for such a simple sentence, i used google - sad, but true...)
tu blog es muy entretenido (your blog is very entertaining) - quiero leer mas (i want to read more !)

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

I’m still trying to learn spanish. I’m not very good just yet but I’ll give it some time (though it may take awhile as I’ve spoken only english for so long and never tried to learn another language, so I’m very stuck in an english method of using words). I found some useful videos on YouTube to help me with the basics, like how to join words together to make coherent sentences and how to change the endings of words (I, too, am still very reliant on Google Translate).

I haven’t done much blogging recently as I’ve been too busy faffing about – Google Translate wouldn’t give me a french version of “faffing about” (though I’m sure it exists) but, in case you don’t know this expression, it means “to spend time in ineffectual activity”. I don’t know when more blogging will happen but possibly when/if my current faffing about decreases or finishes.

kolibet said...

bueno, me gustaría escribir un mensaje en español, pero no sé si tu puedes entenderlo (well, i'd like to write a message in spanish, but i don't know whether you'll be able to understand it) - y no estoy seguro que puedo escribir algo interesante en español (and i'm not sure that i'm able to write anything interesting in spanish) - claro que no estoy seguro que puedo escribir algo interesante en francés (indeed i'm not sure that i'm able to write anything interesting in french) - te recuerdas que soy francés ? (you remember i'm french ?) -
a mí me gusta "faffing about" (i like faffing about) - pero no sé como se puede traducir en español o en francés (but i don't know how it translates to spanish, or even to french !) - qué lástima ! (what a shame) - una amiga propone "papillonner", en françés (a friend proposes "papillonner", in french) - me parece que no es lo mismo, pero vale (it seems to me that it's not the same, but it's ok) - "papillonner " es moverse como una mariposa ("papillonner" is moving like a butterfly) - "papillon" es francés para mariposa ("papillon" is french for butterfly) -
bueno, tengo que trabajar (well, i have to work) - un poco (a little) - estoy al trabajo (i'm at work)
gracias por tu respuesta (thanks for your answer)