Thursday 18 June 2015

Fake Blog Post for June

Blogging doesn't seem to be happening this month, as witnessed by the absence of June blog posts. So I'm posting this fake blog post instead. Sure, I may be calling this too early, given that there is still another week and a half of June to go, but I sense a definite inability of my ability to finish a blog post (I have, in fact, been able to start blog posts, as evidenced by the plethora (two) of partially written blog posts sitting in my drafts folder, but completion of these posts remains wanting). I will also be needing to direct my energies - mental, physical, spiritual, gravitational - to attending to the upcoming Winter Solstice and its requisite celebrations; ie alcohol drinking, sugar/lard consumption, dvd-a-thon. (Winter Solstice celebrating necessarily takes place indoors as it's too cold and too dark to be going outside - naked pagan dancing beneath the moonlight is for Summer Solstice, and Stonehenge, and somewhere away from where anyone can see me). So, it does seem, on balance, that a PROPER June blog post is unlikely to occur. However, that this is a FAKE blog post doesn't mean that there can't be a photo of Ms Willow Pussycat (sitting on her car):

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