Monday 27 January 2014

Planet Earth! You Rock! (as well as being MADE of rock)

An observation (mine) has been made that the previous 3 posts of this blog have contained Planet Earth; as in, some kind of mention of or reference to, Planet Earth. Obviously (or not), it would be ludicrous to suggest that Planet Earth itself has existed within these blog posts, for that would be quite an extraordinary manipulation of the physics of the physical realm - I suspect even the most nimble Time Lord would experience some difficulty with such a space-time continuum defying manoeuvre.

However, it's not entirely illogical/crazy to say that some of the Earth resides in the blog posts. The screens upon which the blog posts appear contain material ripped from the Earth's body. Ouch! The server that stores the blog posts is made from Earth. The brains of people that see the blog posts (and hence, the blog posts are then contained within their brains) are made from, as Joni Mitchell says, "billion year old carbon" - though, actually from "stardust", but by the time the carbon gets to being brain, it's been 'Earth-carbon' for quite awhile. So, really, blog posts and Earth are an intricately intertwined, cross-linked, woveny basket (case) tapestry.

As is often the case with my blog posts, I have no idea what the point is, and this post is a prime example of this phenomenon. All I can really deduce is that Planet Earth is a part of all of us, and of this blog, and as such, at times, it will seep into our sub-concious and make itself heard. Also, the Earth kindly allows us to ride upon its 'back' as it travels through space, which is great for us because, without the Earth, we would most likely spiral wildly out of control and die.

So, in honour of the awesomeness of Planet Earth, and as a way to fill up more blog space, here are some pictures of Earth:

Normal Earth:

Rorschach Earth:

Post Modern Earth:

Maniacal Laughing Earth:

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