Monday, 10 October 2011

Today's Ponderisms

I wonder if the type of dream experienced by a person is dependant upon which side of their head rests on the pillow. Since the blood flow to the brain will be increased to the pillow-side (right or left) of the brain, maybe people can have 'right' or 'left' type dreams, eg an art-house dream from the right-brain or a realism dream from the left-brain.

How does a person judge if their (seemingly) eccentric thinking is actually wildly progressive or, indeed, wildly ludicrous.

As with most terribly meaningful things in life, there's an aphorism (which I just invented) to accompany the previous ponderism: Is it that I'm too crazy or that others are too sane?

Will I have a piece of dark chocolate or milk chocolate with this coffee?

My life is very privileged - that I have a choice between dark chocolate and milk chocolate.

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