Sunday, 18 September 2011

Steel Wrapped in More Steel

As I creep further and further into the iniquitous den of middle-age, I have begun to realize that the only thing which can shelter me from this interminable, collagen-sapping horror, is an extreme makeover. After much consideration, I have chosen my new look:

(note the metallic grin and glowing eyes - clearly this is a happy terminator)


Anonymous said...

Hello Effulgent,
Am interested in your "I Want To Believe" image, incl.
that particular saucer, and appreciate your posts very much. Thanks for being interesting!

Anonymous said...

Hello Effulgent,
I like in your "I Want To Believe" image, incl.
that particular saucer, and appreciate your posts very much. Thanks for being interesting!

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

Hello A,
Thanks for commenting :-)
The "I want to Believe" is from the TV show The X-Files (1993-2002). It's the poster FBI agent Mulder has in his (basement) office. The flying saucer is the kind you'd see in a 1950's Sci-Fi movie/graphic novel - so (I think) the poster is kind of a nod to the 'It Came From Outer Space' type of story - eg The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951, remade in 2008). It's also a bit kitsch, which is why I like it (and maybe why Mulder likes it).

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear the story of the poster. The 50's saucer, with or without wires showing, and other versions of outer space machinery from that era, are truly handsome.