Tuesday 3 August 2010


A lack of words doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of thinking. There are thoughts, occasionally. They filter sporadically through the mist, but they are mostly amorphous and incomplete. Coherent revelation has yet to make an appearance.


Anonymous said...

I like this post.
I don't know why, there's something in it that made me read it several times.

Nicole_Effulgent13 said...

Sometimes my brain feels overloaded and I can’t quite make sense of things. It’s probably a combination of too much going on and being an introvert. When I was at school, the teachers often wrote on my report card that I was a “reserved” student because I didn’t speak up in class. I always felt like it was a criticism. I enjoy listening to group discussions but I’m not good at expressing my thoughts in a large group. I tend to use most of my brain concentrating on what everyone else is saying, which doesn’t leave a lot of brain for working out my own thoughts – I need time to process everything.

Anonymous said...

Know the feeling.

I sometimes want to say something I think out loud, but then it comes out all wrong because I really do not know how to debate properly. This is really not nice...