Wednesday 12 May 2010

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself


I don't know who came up with this ridiculous statement/axiom/maxim - whatever - but it's a load of shi...untruth. For years now I've been wanting to get my anger about this saying out of my system and today is the day this happens. And I'm not even going to look it up on the internet to find out in what context it was used, instead, I'm just going to mouth off - blog off? - about something of which I may not have complete understanding.

I do not accept that I have nothing to fear but fear itself. There are numerous things on this here planet earth for which to be fearful. And my fear makes me wary of them, such that I might elect to get out of, or not get into, a situation in which I fear something bad will happen to me. And, thus, I remain healthy and intact. For example, if a man with an axe starts chasing me down the street I AM GOING TO BE FULL OF FEAR and probably RUN LIKE HELL. And I think my fear is going to make me run faster. I think this is a good response. It could be the difference between an out-of-breathe me or a maimed and/or dead me. I guess I could ignore my fear and stop running and talk to the axe-wielding man. It might be the case that he's not actually chasing me in an effort to maim and/or kill me. Perhaps he wants to maim and/or kill someone else, someone who lives in the same street, and maybe he was running after me (with an axe) because he wanted to ask me if I knew which house this other person lives in. Maybe if I can direct him to the correct house he'll give me $5000. If only I'd just feared fear, and then ignored fear, instead of fearing a rampant, axe wielding man, I might be $5000 richer, and an accessory to a crime. Perhaps, perhaps, maybe, perhaps. I'm not convinced.

So I am going to continue to believe in, and listen to, my fear. And act accordingly. My fear has been good to me so far. It has always offered me wise counsel and has kept me from doing things I really shouldn't be doing, like jumping into the lion enclosure at the zoo (to play with the beautiful kitty-kats) or speaking in public (to tell all the people my beautiful thoughts).

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